Man oh man what a week it has been! I thought the chaos wouldn’t start until the beginning of October, but September has hit us straight on for our busy season! Last week, after I published my last post, well, things got really crazy. Ya see, I normally only work 4-6 shifts a month. Last week I somehow managed to squeeze 43 hours into 4 days. Yes, one of them was a double shift (believe me, I didn’t sign up for that!) So I definitely got some use out of my ‘nurse hat’, and things around the house suffered. Not only that but soccer started last week as well, so between juggling work, home, school, preschool, soccer, and everything else that us mothers accomplish on a weekly basis….well there was no time for me, or my blog! I’m so glad that this week is looking a little bit more manageable for me, as I’m only working one shift and we only have one more soccer game to attend this week as well. So hopefully I can catch up on everything so I can be prepared for the next go around….. Harvest!
For those of you who don’t know, my hubs is a Vineyard Manager. In a nutshell he pretty much does a little of everything when it comes to grapes, and knows a whole heck of a lot more about it than I do. Well, Harvest is generally October(ish) around here, which means he has a completely hectic and unpredictable schedule for the month. Hence, I get to play super mom and …. here it is….Wonder Woman 😉
I’ve got lots of great ideas for blog posts in my head, but for today I just wanted to share a few moments of my week that I loved. First off is my mother/daughter artwork my eldest and I created together. I haven’t mentioned it on this blog before, but my daughter has ADHD, and we have currently been in and out of the doctors and counselors for quite some time now, trying to get her help. There is further issues beyond the ADHD diagnosis that we are trying to figure out and help her with, but now is not the time to talk all about that. I was glad we were able to sit outside on a nice sunny afternoon and just draw. Its something I don’t do very often anymore due to the hustle and bustle of mom/adult life. She absolutely loves drawing, even though she is to critical of herself! It is a wonderful outlet for her….
Then after one of Anika’s soccer games our friend gave us a bottle of wine…. gotta love the free Vino! I thought the label of unique and the name was catchy 😉
Last but certainly not least in my crazy week, was a moment of fun. My two little ones wanted a tea party, and I decided to break out my REAL tea cups for them! We made up a pot of chai tea (not full strength 😉 ) and they just thought they were the biggest kids ever!