Introducing MelissaKaylene Creations!

You guys know I love to create things. So I’ve decided to open a little Etsy shop to fill with things that I have made. In it will be items that reflect my style and personality. I plan to incorporate my artwork into different products, and some simple jewelry.
I adore bracelets. They are so easy to add to any outfit and spice it up. They are inexpensive and people notice them. I finally decided to quit trying to find ones that I like, and make my own. I love the richness in earthy colors and have picked my favorite shades and designs to make something that I would and will wear on a daily basis. This is my first collection of bracelets, with many more ideas to come! Check out my Etsy shop HERE. 
No worries, I won’t be bombarding you with sales pitches or anything. I’ll just occasionally show off things here and there, after all this blog is all about creating, and inspiring!
P.S. Create.Simplify.Inspire Link Up #2 is on its way! Can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to this week!
~ Melissa

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momto8blog October 19, 2012 - 5:30 pm
your work is fabulous! the bracelets are beautiful and would make any outfit look better! good luck with your shop.
I am your newest follower from the hop..pls follow back if you can.
Christine October 21, 2012 - 5:14 pm
These are cute! Good luck with your shop :) I am your newest follower from Blissful and Domestic. I hope you'll follow me as well.
Sarah Phillips October 22, 2012 - 2:06 am
I'm a new follower from the Mommy Mingle. Your jewelry makes me want to get back into jewelry making :)
Holly October 22, 2012 - 4:30 am
I love those bracelets! Very pretty. :)
Dropping by from the Live Laugh Rowe blog hop. :)
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