Values, Objects, and Life.

It seems to me, more and more, individuals in our society confuse the level of value within their life with the number of objects they poses.

The older (wiser?) I become, the more I have been able to step back and realize that having ‘things’ doesn’t mean I have a better life. In a culture where bigger is better; where we have to have all of the latest gadgets and fads, well, we seem to confuse material things with love, acceptance – peace.

Our children are growing up believing that gadgets and electronics are the only way to have fun. Where did imagination and outdoor play go?

The things I remember the most clearly from childhood was not my possessions, but the memories.

Making mud pies. Swinging. Picking ripe juicy plums and blackberries. Laying on the grass watching the ants travel by. Sleepovers. Forts. Exploring.

That is what makes life grand. The only thing we can take with us when we go is our memories – if we are so lucky. Not a house full of junk.

I’m going to continue to declutter and simplify my life this year – not just for me, but for my family. My loves. <3




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Isobel Morrell January 3, 2013 - 10:29 am
Best of luck with your de-cluttering endeavours! Could not agree more - memories cannot be taken away or broken (they may get tarnished, but not for ever!). Long may your children enjoy their memories, but not the gadgets!

Have a Happy New Year - all of you1

Isobel -
Georgie Lee January 5, 2013 - 6:00 am
A great reminder for the New Year!
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