Advertising Opportunity

Willamette Valley Wonder Woman

Can you believe this month it has been a year since I began this little blog? It is slowly starting to grow into what I envision it to be. I have decided to open up space on my blog for those of you just starting out, who may like to get your blog out to a different audience. I am by no means huge out there in the world wide web yet, but here is my latest stats from last month:

 1,400+ combined followers
9,379 page views for the month of March, with 5,294 unique visitors.
Currently, my largest sources of traffic comes from Pinterest and Facebook
If you would like more information you can look at my Media Kit.

All income received from ads will be currently be used for advertising for Willamette Valley Wonder Woman, which in return will give you even greater exposure opportunity. 🙂

I would also love to work with any of you by swapping guest posts. If you are interested please contact me @

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