Three years ago today I had my last baby.
It’s hard to believe he’s going into preschool this fall. I can’t imagine my life without a little boy to make our family complete.
We had a blast at his party last Sunday, with 85 degree weather I made nearly 300 water balloons for the kids, and then somehow water guns and super soakers got brought out and everyone had a water war. 🙂 Noah was having so much fun he didn’t even want to do cupcakes, ice cream sundaes and presents!
Noah wanted a Team Umizoomi party, all blue and orange, so that’s what I attempted to create. It seems like when you are the one preparing the party, not as many good pictures get taken. At least I got a few. Someday, someday, I’ll get a better camera. Until then, these will have to do.
Happy birthday little man.
We’re so glad you joined us for Let’s Get Social Sunday- hope you’re having a great week!
Joy from