I was compensated for this post, but as always, all opinions are my own. #ad
I have always strived to create family time and family activities that didn’t involve electronics. Sure movie nights are great, and my kids love playing games, but from the beginning of parenthood we have always set limits to their time spent on devices because although fun, they are addicting and take time away from other great things that kids do.
Playing outdoors,
and using their big imaginations to play make believe.
Dinner time at our house is always electronic free, and we have a rule that everything goes off at 7pm so they can get ready for bed and stories.
I’ve been hearing a lot about the Tech Timeout™ challenge, an idea created by Foresters ™which is a pledge stating that your family will have an hour free from technology once a day – and I think its a great idea.
The emails can wait, and TV is overrated. They will all be there in an hour still – I promise. But you know what won’t be there long? Those little smiles. life changes so fast and before you know it you’ll be missing the little moments you all shared together as a family.
Will you pledge with me?
Tech Timeout has come up with 50 great ideas for family activities, and I am happy to say we have done 28 of them this past year.
What are some of you favorite technology free things to do with your family?
We usually also take a day or half a day off on tech on Saturday and Sunday by getting out of the house and doing anything to spend time together.
I love the ideas they have listed above, there are some fun ones on there we will have to try.