Scenes from a Sleepover

Last Saturday I let the girls have a few friends over for a sleepover. It had been a long time and I figured I should let them have one before the holiday season kicks into full gear and life really starts picking up.

We had a Bejeweled and Twister game night theme that also turned into a mini spa party as well.

The girls all showed up at 6 pm, and we made cheesy pigs in a blanket (kind of like the recipe HERE, only

full-sized). Then they all played a few rounds of Twister, then a new Bejeweled board game (which was a big hit). Afterward, I broke out the face masks and foot soakers along with nail polish and glitter tattoos and let them have at it.

Later things began winding down and the older girls went into the back bedroom to giggle and draw while the younger girls and I stayed in the living room with our sleeping bags and watched a couple of movies, and we all fell asleep out there.

The next morning a big batch of scrambled eggs and bacon and waffles filled the girls’ stomachs up and they were all on their way homes by 10:30.

If there’s anything I’ve learned from sleepovers is to keep them short and sweet to avoid meltdowns and to keep your sanity!

Thanks to House Party and Hasbro for the party kit! If you haven’t heard of House Party before, it’s pretty cool! They partner with different companies and you apply for these party kits that they have going on, and if you are selected they send you the freebies! This was our first House Party and I would definitely have more since we love throwing parties anyways.




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