This week has been full of life.
The good, the bad, and all the hustle and bustle in between.
It’s the last full week of soccer with each girl having three games to finish up and a practice in the middle.
Then they are both practicing with the high school cheerleaders to do a cheer before our town’s Homecoming football game on Friday. I’m not sure if Emma will make it out there because of her shyness, but none the less she is trying, and I (as always) continue to encourage her in every way I know how.
Tomorrow morning Noah has a field trip to the pumpkin patch.
He is so excited. He gets to go with Daddy this year.
Then the other not-so-fun parts of life. There was a leak in the transmission on our Expedition that cost us an arm and a leg to fix.
And Wayne’s mom was admitted into the hospital a couple days ago. She is stable now, but will most likely not be able to return home on her own again. So there has been extra trips back and forth for my husband to the hospital while trying not to lead on any extra stress in front of the kids.
I’m in that taking-one-day-at-a-time mode right now personally. I’m so glad I have this little space here on the internet to share bits and pieces of my life along with all of the other wonderful things that I am blessed to get to share on here with you. <3
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