20 Things to Do With Your Children This Winter


One thing I love to do is make lists – and check them off. When I create a list I know I won’t forget what I need to get done (eventually!)

Sometimes I write seasonal “bucket lists” (like the one we did last summer) and get my kids involved. They absolutely love going through and crossing things off every week – and because of it, I think we spend more time together as a family, which is the best part of all.

Here are some ideas to get you started on your own winter bucket list:


1. Make Peppermint Cocoa


2. Watch a Holiday movie


3. Create a popcorn garland


4. Play in the snow


5. Make a gingerbread house


6. Drive around and look at Christmas lights


7. Go to a Holiday bazaar


8. Sing Christmas carols


9. Pick out the perfect Christmas tree


10. Have a Christmas cookie exchange with friends and family


11. Go ice skating


12. Make paper snowflakes


13. Build a snowman


14. Listen to Christmas music


15. Make ornaments


16. Watch a Christmas program


17. Go to a tree lighting ceremony


18. Visit Santa


19. Attend a holiday party


20. Give back in some way


What other things are on your ‘must-do’ this holiday season?


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Janis Cox November 12, 2013 - 5:05 pm
Hi there,
I am following you from Titus Tuesday. Put up the creche outside.. we are in AZ and it is so easy to put up the scene. Put out the wooden creche that my husband made. Can't wait. Sing Christmas songs. Thank God for Jesus.
Janis http://www.janiscox.com
Oh if I had kids I would read Santa's favourite Christmas - great book.
Ben November 13, 2013 - 3:01 pm
Great ideas. Spending quality time with the family builds memories!
Angie Church November 14, 2013 - 3:18 pm
love your list oh so much fun to be had
come see us at http://shopannies.blogspot.com
Michele Alger November 15, 2013 - 8:24 pm
Love this list! I love to make a fun chart for Christmas break to keep it fun and active. I will be using this list this year. Thanks for the wonderful idea!! So fun to see someone else from the Willamette valley!!
Mrs.AOK November 16, 2013 - 2:05 pm
This is a perfect list!!
Thanks for sharing via Mommy Monday!
Michaela YorkshireMum November 17, 2013 - 10:46 am
I like the crafty ideas and think that these get everyone more into the spirit too

Thank you for linking up to the I Love My Post blog hop
Anonymous November 17, 2013 - 7:15 pm
What a great list of thing to do....
Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop! I hope you’ll join us again next week!

Kathy Shea Mormino
The Chicken Chick
Abby November 18, 2013 - 2:39 pm
This is a great list! We made a popcorn garland for the first time last year, they had so much fun with it! I'll be doing it again this year for sure!
Http://whatmeeganmakes.com November 18, 2013 - 10:08 pm
I love this list Melissa. What a fun mom you are! Thanks for linking up to Tickled Pink Times Two.
Make it a pink day!
Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above November 18, 2013 - 10:50 pm
These are all great ideas. Thanks so much for sharing with Wednesday's Adorned From Above Link Party.
Have a great week.
Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above
Brittnei Washington November 18, 2013 - 11:27 pm
This list reminds me of what I used to do for the holidays when I was a kid. Thank you for sharing with us on Countdown in Style. Don't forget to stop by Friday to see if you are featured. :)
April @ 100lb Countdown November 21, 2013 - 7:41 pm
These are some great things for kids to do. We do most of these already, but happy to incorporate more. Last year, my son made an igloo of rice crispy treats. He loved it!

Thanks for sharing and linking up with Countdown in Style! Don't forget to come back on Friday to see if you were featured!

Linda Bouffard November 21, 2013 - 11:11 pm
What a gorgeous family!! Have a great Thanksgiving! linda
nancy john April 15, 2014 - 5:41 am
Fun activities are very important for kids

fun Activities for Kids
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