A Week of Firsts.

I really do love when I get the opportunity to do something for the first time. So often we get stuck into our own little routines, rituals,

comfort zones.

Last Sunday I drove to Portland and attended my first meet-up for Pacific Northwest Bloggers at a place called Union/Pine. To me, its always been a little intimidating going somewhere alone with the purpose of meeting other people. I think its the having-to talk-about-myself that’s the ‘scary’ part. I know, I share on here all of the time, but in ‘real life’ I’m a reserved person until you get to know me – and it will generally take more than one meeting for that.

But its a start.

The mingle (which happened to be a holiday party) was wonderful. Mimosas and Bloody Mary’s were provided by The 7th Chamber. There was a brunch buffet and Pinhole Press provided a scrumptious dessert table. There was a fun crafting station and we were all sent home with amazing gift bags filled with treasures.

I’m glad I went.

After the mingle I stopped off at the World Forestry Center where they were having their Coffee Fair – and I tasted a French macaroon for the first time. And not just any macaroon – a caramel pear macaroon.

It was like biting a preciously painted gem with its painted golden outside.

Lastly this week I got brave.

Its official. I bought business cards.

I challenge you to do something you’ve never done before this week.

Who knows, you might be so proud of your accomplishment you might decided to take up blogging just so you can share it. 😉


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1 comment

Drama Queens Mum (Kimberly) November 8, 2013 - 6:13 pm
Hi. Just found your blog on the Peacoats & Plaid hop. I'm following you on Instagram & other places now. I'm the same way. I'm kind of reserved when I 1st meet people. Glad you had fun. I'd love to meet some local bloggers.
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