FBF // 30 Days to Be Thankful


Happy Friday! I can’t believe its already November! We spent the day yesterday with class parties and trick-or-treating. Our little cul-de-sac is the go-to place for our small town and we have over 350 trick or treaters every year! I’ll have pictures to share soon, but with it being November 1st, I wanted to do a little Flash Back Friday post with last years “30 Days To Be Thankful”.

Do you make a thankful list every year?

Check out mine from last year and tell me, what are you most thankful for?

I’m working on mine for this year, but I’ll share one early.  I’m thankful for this blog – and you. I love being able to write and share and my family and ideas with you. Its been a year and a half now and I can’t wait to see what another year will bring this little space on the Internet.


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mail4rosey November 3, 2013 - 10:16 pm
This whole year passed by in surreal fastness for me, seems like it was just this time of year last year, and here we are again. I'm thankful though, for oh so many things.

Thank you for linking to Super Sunday Sync.
Elisabeth November 3, 2013 - 10:34 pm
I can't believe how fast this year has gone, either... I'm doing a Gratitude Project for 30 days on my own blog this year. I'm so glad I saw this post over on the I Love My Post linky.
bj November 4, 2013 - 12:14 pm
The older we get, the faster time flies and it really went fast this year. Seems Christmas was just weeks ago....now it is knocking at our door.
I am thankful for every single thing in my life.
Melissa Kaylene November 6, 2013 - 6:12 am
I agree! I cannot believe how fast the years fly by now that I have three little ones that keep me busy. I'm so glad I have all of these photographs to look back on someday. <3
ahappygirl November 4, 2013 - 8:53 pm
Love this! I love gratitude lists and just the intention of being thankful...it truly boosts your mood so much. I'm stopping by from the Collective Blog Hop and thrilled to be your newest GFC follower! :)

Kayla @ Home Coming November 5, 2013 - 9:55 pm
I love this idea! Such a nice way to remember all the important things. I’m hosting a giveaway for 2 pillow covers that you should enter! http://homecomingmn.blogspot.com/2013/11/pillow-covers-giveaway.html
S`andra V. November 6, 2013 - 6:04 am
Yes, this is an awesome idea. Started out doing this in a journal a many years ago. Then did a table top paper strip of daily gratitude. This year doing it on my FB page. I guess I need to post on my Blog. I did not think of that. Thanks for sharing.
We will be having a Gratitude Blog Hop of crafting ideas beginning the evening of November 10th, I believe it will post by 8pm Central Time. if you get a moment, stop by and check it out.
Melissa Kaylene November 6, 2013 - 6:13 am
Wonderful! Thanks for the invite :)
Britni Vigil November 9, 2013 - 7:34 pm
Isn't blogging great? I love having people to write to on a regular basis. Thanks for sharing on the weekend re-Treat link party!

Britni @ Play. Party. Pin.
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