Portland Events 2014 Calendar


A couple of weeks ago I received a fun little gift in the mail – the new Portland Events Calendar. If you’ve been following along you’re probably aware that I love living locally, and that includes attending events and festivals.

I sat down this afternoon in between the Oregon drizzle with my coffee and browsed through the upcoming lists of activities. Over 250 Portland area events and activities are written in, and above the month there is a short description of the event and all of the contact information, making it easy to look up online for more details.

I immediately thought this calendar would be great to have on hand for a quick holiday gift for an adventurous co-worker, or almost anyone living locally.

The calendar can be found at Powell’s Books, New Season’s Market, Whole Foods Markets, Costco, and can also be purchased online HERE.

I’m already getting a head start for January planning, as I see that the Chocolate Fest is happening the week of the 24th, and that’s an event I don’t want to miss!


Full Disclosure: I was given a 2014 calendar to review. All opinions are my own. If you would like a product reviewed please view my media kit HERE

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Dawn Saros-Kirk November 11, 2013 - 8:14 pm
We have some friends that live in the Portland area and I want to go out to visit so bad! I know I would love it. Hopefully one of these days soon.
Ashley @ ladyacray.blogspot.com November 12, 2013 - 5:23 am
Ahh I was just telling my fiance we need to head back into Powell's to get the 2014 version! I have the 2013 version and decided it's worth every last penny. Love that thing.
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