When we were vacationing at Gleneden Beach over Thanksgiving break we decided to drive a couple of miles over to Lincoln City and attend their town’s Christmas tree lighting ceremony.
It was held at their Community Center and was a wonderful free event for everyone. Apparently it was only their second year of the tree lighting and Wayne and I was very impressed with how organized the event was!
There was a craft fair, carolers, a cakewalk, tons of donated treats to eat as well as cocoa and hot cider, and of course, Santa came to visit!
Anika was one determined girl and finally won a prize in the cake walk – a big chocolate cake with peppermint frosting. She was so proud (and it was so delicious!)
It was a very cool experience to be part of a small community celebration where none of us knew anyone local, yet we still felt welcome and part of the group.
That’s how it should be.
It was a great family event we all shared during our vacation, with hospitality that won’t be forgotten.