Living Locally: Rose City Rollers

Last Saturday we were invited to the Rose City Roller’s season opening at the Memorial Coliseum. None of us had ever seen a Roller Derby live before and were all in for a fun evening! The whole event was just a great laid back time for everyone. The event was true Portland style filled with people in all shapes and sizes and outfits just being themselves.

I checked online for the Roller Derby rules prior to coming, but I couldn’t remember all of them. None the less it was still entertaining to watch all of the ladies set up and try to break free and knock each other over in the process. The kids got a kick out of that!

There were two games back to back which made for a longer evening than I expected, but people definitely got their money’s worth! The games are split into 30 minute halves with a break in between. The kids did great the first game, then we entertained them with what you would do in any sporting event: We bought pizza, kettle corn, and cotton candy! What’s a family evening out without splurging on junk food? 🙂

The kids actually did really well because the whole atmosphere was so laid back, and hollering/cheering was encouraged throughout the evening!  It’s so nice to go somewhere with the kids and not have to worry if they are making too much noise or being to rowdy.

Have you ever been to a roller derby before? What did you think?


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