Life Lately in Photos

I’m seeing a coffee theme over the past week…it has been much needed! (Some of these photos are from my Instagram.) I’m feeling slightly better today, but not ready to just back into everything full force just yet. Anika has had a science project she’s been working on for a science fair this Thursday, and Emma starts T-Ball practice tomorrow. Noah also has a field trip to the Ag shop at the high school Thursday and then Saturday we have our last soccer games and then I’m heading into Macy’s to view their Spring Fashion Show! If you live in the Portland area its free! Stop by and join me 🙂 I’m also busy working on some great posts to share with you over the next couple of weeks.
Stay tuned.

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ALEXANDRA BOOTHBY April 28, 2014 - 4:30 pm
thanks for sharing.
beautfiul picturesI have been inspired by bloggers, like you to share my heart. I blog about my struggle with Huntington's disease, and would be honored if you would follow my journey.

Melissa Kaylene April 28, 2014 - 11:27 pm
Thank you Alexandra! I'm so glad that you have this outlet to share your life's moments. I can't even imagine how scary and difficult it must be with Huntington's disease. Anytime you need someone to chat to, just email me.
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