I wrote on my personal Facebook that this week is perhaps the busiest week I’ve ever had. I’m most certainly not complaining, I’m just a tad tired. So tired in fact that I sat down last night to publish this post and I fell asleep in the recliner until 5am! That’s what I get for sitting down in the comfy chair I suppose. 🙂
Softball is in full gear, Anika has had practice 6 out of the past 7 nights! Sunday’s are the only day of rest around here! Emma has her T-ball practice twice a week, but unfortunately her practice is a 15-20 minute drive – we weren’t so lucky to have a local team for her to play on.
And, our PTSO Family Fun Fair is tomorrow, so I’ve been running around in circles trying to coordinate everything for that and have asked myself on numerous occasions why I did I volunteer for this? I know it’s for a good cause, but sometimes I wish I was just a helper, not the leader. Problem is I can’t find anyone else willing to do it….so we shall see what happens next fall.
How’s your week going? .
This link up to to share anything and everything that inspires you, or that you’ve created.
Create.Simplify.Inspire. #67
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Happy Thursday! Lou Lou Girls
have a wonderful weekend and Mother's day!