Mint Green for Spring

Today I had a much needed lazy day. I don’t know if it’s just me or not, but it seems to be the days when I finally slow down that I realize how tired I am, and I feel so much more exhausted trying to relax! This weekend though we don’t have any plans really, other than working a little at home and such – besides Anika. My little lady is a lucky girl because one of my friend’s ended up with an extra ticket to the Seattle Mariners game Sunday and she invited her to ride up with their whole family. Needless to say Anika hasn’t slept well the past two nights because she is so excited! I’m so happy she gets to have this experience.

About this dress – I bought it a couple months ago on a whim from some little store in the mall because I just fell in love with the mint green color. I’m also loving the maxi dress + jean jacket look and it’s so comfortable as well.

PS. Love that little tree in the background? Haha! It’s been in the pot forever, and just recently broke the pot and began toppling over. We need to dig it up and either replant it or get rid of it… just one more little thing on my to-do list. 😉


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