Yes, this post is a few hours late. Yes, last week I said I had hoped for a more mellow week. Yes, I jinxed myself. Today was filled with work – I covered a day shift which I never do, and ended up working from 6am-4pm, then I had our first PTO meeting of the year to rush off too, but I also found out yesterday that Anika started soccer today. At 5:30. And my meeting was at 6 – 10 miles away. And I had to drop off Emma and Noah first. I actually surprised myself that I wasn’t late to anything.
I’m laying in bed before 10 pm and ready for bed, which is very unusual for me. Tomorrow I’m heading over to help my friend set up for her wedding (which is Saturday), and then heading in to work an evening shift. I know a lot of women do it, but I don’t think there is anyway I could work full time, blog, and be involved with the school and sports. There’s not enough hours in the day!
How’s your week going?
I’d love it if you shared!
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Create.Simplify.Inspire. #83
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