Help Your School Out with Labels for Education #Labels4Edu + A Creamy Chicken and Wild Rice Recipe #cbias

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 Creamy Chicken and Wild Rice Recipe #Labels4Edu #cbias #shop

Hey everyone! It feels like I haven’t been on here in forever, but I guess it’s only been two days. It’s been a couple of busy days, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed that things will start smoothing out a bit now that Noah started preschool again so I can try and figure out this year’s routine. He started back up today and he was just a little excited! Today I have two things on my mind that I want to share with you – a super simple recipe and how you can help your school with Campbell’s Labels for Education.

Last night we had our first official PTSO meeting of the year – and if you haven’t been following along accepted the position of President again this year. Last year was a rough year because I came in knowing absolutely nothing and didn’t really have anyone to ask questions too. This year, although there is still so much I don’t know, is going a lot smoother so far, and I’m blessed that I’ve got a good group of people on the board this year that will pitch in and do their part. Last night was a long night because we had to sit down and go over the years budget and goals – every little thing we do is accounted for and we have to estimate what we think all of our fundraisers will bring in…and we’ve added a couple of huge changes this year which will mean even more fundraising will have to happen.

One thing that we count on every year from the parents is the Campbell’s Labels for Education. They are found on the backs of a bunch of products, from Campbell’s soup to yogurt and pasta sauce – even things like pens and cookies! (To see the whole list click here.) It’s great because it’s tons of stuff that most parents are already buying. All they have to do is clip them and send them in with their kids. We have one parent volunteer that handles them and sends them in, and in return, our school can cash the points in for items that we need – and we usually use the points to purchase playground and P.E. equipment because there is literally no other money allotted that goes towards it. We make it fun for the kids at school and hold a contest twice a year with a classroom party for the students who bring the most labels in, and it really helps them remember. 🙂


Like I mentioned, Labels for Education can be found on many different items at the grocery store, but the first place I normally think of finding them is in the soup aisle. Example: just look at all of these I found at Walmart the other day – enough labels to make this PTSO mom a little envious! I always keep my Labels in a zip lock bag that I keep on top of my refrigerator that I just clip and keep them in until we turn them in, so I always know where they are at and are all in one spot.


With all of the evening events coming up I have also finally started creating freezer meals that can be easily rewarmed for a quick meal – last night I had my version of chicken and rice all ready for the family to eat while I headed to my meeting.

Creamy Chicken and Wild Rice



2 boneless skinless chicken breasts

2 cups of wild rice

1 cup of cheddar cheese

1 cup of frozen petite peas

1 can of Campbell’s Cream of Chicken Soup


  •   Cook chicken breasts and slice into ¼” strips.
  •   Cook rice according to instructions
  •   Pour rice into a 9X12 baking pan and mix with Campbell’s Cream of Chicken soup,    peas, and ½ cup of cheddar cheese. Add chicken on top and then top with the other half of the cheddar cheese.
  •   Cover with foil and bake at 350 degrees for approximately 15 minutes or until the cheese is melted.
  •   Serve and enjoy!

Before you head out shopping make sure you check online – I know there are some coupons that you can print so save a bit on money on your next trip and there’s also great sweepstakes going on, where 1000 schools will each win $1000! Click here for more information.

I love the Labels for Education because it’s a simple thing that every parent can do to help out and get involved. I know a lot of us don’t have the time to volunteer, but this is something that anyone can do for our kids! Thank you #CollectiveBias and #Labels4Edu for letting me share this great program!


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1 comment

Sara Merritt September 17, 2014 - 4:39 pm
I love that the PTSO offers a party for the class that brings in the most labels. That brings back such fond memories of doing the same in elementary school. Good for you, Madame President, to take on such a big role at the school. You'll be great! #client
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