4 Things to Clean Before Christmas + A Big Giveaway!

Thank you Bissell for sponsoring this post and giveaway!

4 things to clean before Christmas #sponsored http://ooh.li/631c67d

Okay, I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not the best house cleaner. Don’t get me wrong – it’s not that we live in a total disaster, but with three kids and all of their activities, plus a part-time job, part-time business, and everything else that comes up – well, sometimes the dishes don’t’ get done, and the garage is quite frankly – a mess.

One thing I think I have mastered though is what the most important things to get cleaned are. A lot of you will be having guests over during the holidays, and with so many things to accomplish in just a few short days like last-minute shopping and baking, well, cleaning is probably the last thing you want to do! Even though we’re not going to be having company this year, I certainly don’t want a disaster in my house over the two days that we will all actually be home together – with no schedules. After all, there will be plenty of wrapping paper and toys to take over the living room – they don’t need any competition.


I’ve got a little checklist that I’ve created (because I’m obsessed with lists) to remind myself on what need to be done over the next couple of days, and I thought I’d share it with you.

The Kitchen – There’s going to be a lot of baking to finish up on and so it’s important to start off with a clean work space so it doesn’t become overwhelmingly messy when the cooking frenzy is finished. Wipe down the cupboards and counters, sweep and mop, and clean out the refrigerator so there will be room for all of those holiday leftovers.

The Kid’s Rooms – Presents are coming into the house, and so it’s time to go through old toys and make room! My kids also happen to be little ‘collectors’, from paper scraps and candy wrappers (that they’ve snuck) to rocks and random puzzle pieces…it’s can get messy VERY quickly…so I’ve gone in with garbage bags and Lysol and am nearly finished with this massive task.

The Bathrooms – Simply because I don’t want to have to mess with them on our days off together, but this is especially important if you are having company. Make sure it’s stocked with enough towels, toilet paper, and scented candles.

Your Carpets – Think about it – presents are being opened, everyone is going to be sitting around eating, playing board games, and relaxing – on the floor. I know as the unofficial present-passer-outer, every year I spend 90% of Christmas morning on the floor, and it’s so much nicer when it’s freshly cleaned! I like using Bissell Scotchgard Protector because it is a great stain repellent – and I’m super excited to give you the opportunity to win not only some Scotchguard Protector Carpet Cleaning Solution, but how about a Bissell Upright Deep Cleaning Machine ($199 value!) to go with it!!!!

Bissell is giving away 3 Upright Cleaning Machines To readers from a few selected blogs, and it’s really easy to enter to win!

To enter the giveaway:

1.  Visit the Bissell landing page to check out your new cleaning machine.
2.  Come back here and leave a comment stating how the Bissell Upright Deep Cleaning Machine with Scotchguard Protector Carpet Cleaning Solution would make your life easier.

Bissell will randomly select three winners from the comments found on participating blogs.

Bissell will announce the winners Monday, January 5th, and the winners will be notified through a response to comments. You will have 5 business days (by 01/12/15) to submit your email address and claim your prize.

Good luck!

Also,  click the image below for a $1 off coupon.



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Vicki Damico December 22, 2014 - 11:32 pm
The Bissell Upright cleaner would help me remember what color my carpet is! I know it isn't supposed to be gray!
Tj and Amy December 24, 2014 - 5:23 am
woot woot! This would be a huge hit in our home. I have Three little ones who get throw up, food, juice you name it on the carpet on a daily basis. I would stress out less knowing I have the best carpet cleaner on the market in my home. This would help me enjoy life more by worrying less about the mess. :) Thank you for the chance!

Ashley Kolpak December 27, 2014 - 10:10 pm
What an awesome giveaway. I have a household full of pets, so there is always deep carpet cleaning involved, I need one of these!! cricketlady29@hotmail.com
chickie717 December 31, 2014 - 8:06 pm
Bissell Upright Deep Cleaning Machine with Scotchguard Protector Carpet Cleaning Solution would make my life so much easier! Recently cats have been spraying on my door and it seeped underneath the door and went on the rug.. I had to scrub on my hands and knees to clean it!
luludouthit December 11, 2015 - 1:15 pm
The Bissell Upright Deep Cleaning machine would be awesome because with 3 little kids 5 and under, a cat, a dog and a husband, accidents happen!
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