Butterscotch Irish Cream Iced Coffee

Today I’m going to share a recipe for some of my favorite coffee – Butterscotch Irish Cream Iced Coffee. It is so easy to make and going to be the best coffee you’ve drank all week. 😉

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I’ve never really celebrated too much on St. Patty’s Day –as far as going out or anything, but I do make the traditional corned beef and cabbage (it’s simmering as we speak) and will have some sort of beverage for fun.

Today actually hasn’t been to terribly busy – just the normal chauffeuring kids around half of the day and house cleaning, but I’m totally okay with a day like that! I’m counting down the days to Spring Break though – no schedules, sleeping in… I’m pretty excited!

Anika has her first soccer practice this evening, and unfortunately we aren’t sure whether or not she will actually be playing this season… apparently they are still short two team members and haven’t had any new ones sign up! She is crossing her fingers that she will be able to still somehow play. I was hoping that by switching her to this “club” last year it would eliminate this kind of unorganized stuff, but it almost seems worse than the Parks and Rec that she went through before. It’s only slightly frustrating!

After we get back from practice we’ll eat our St. Patty’s Day dinner and I’ve got a little coffee cocktail that I will make afterwards for Wayne and I. It’s really easy and although sweet, not excessively thanks to the coffee (although you can hardly taste the caffeine!)

Butterscotch Irish Cream Iced Coffee

1 cup of coffee – chilled

½ cup of O’Mara’s Irish Country Cream

1 ounce of Butterscotch Schnapps

½ cup of Ice cubes

Whipped Cream

Pour the ice cubes into your desired mug, adding the coffee,Irish cream, and schnapps. Mix and then top with whipped cream.

We are seriously flying through the holiday’s this year! It’s crazy to think that Easter is only a couple of weeks away already…it kind of makes me sad. I am working on some fun stuff to share with you soon though!


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1 comment

NewMrsAdventures March 30, 2015 - 6:49 pm
How delicious! Thank you so much for linking up at Tasty Tuesday! Your recipe has been pinned to the Tasty Tuesday Pinterest board! Please join us again this week!
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