How to Create the Perfect Floral Arrangement


A few weeks ago I attended an intimate blogger workshop at the Whole Foods store Pearl District in Portland with Rebekah Hubbard, owner of the, who shared her best tips and tricks for creating the perfect floral arrangements – and I thought it would be fun to pass along what I learned with you!

I’ve always enjoyed creating bouquets; normally I’ll just tweak one that I’ve purchased in the store, but I never had the opportunity to pick from a large selection of flowers and really let my creativity go wild.

The first thing to remember when creating a floral arrangement is to not always play by the rules and to defy traditions. Just because you don’t normally see flowers or colors arranged in a certain way doesn’t mean that you can’t do it. With that being said don’t worry about having a certain focal point flower or with having everything being the same size. Mix it up and try something new!

Try different things, like a bouquet made with just leaves, or go monochrome and create something whimsical with different flowers that are the same color.

Also, think outside of the box for vases. It doesn’t always have to be a vase. Think about different vessels that you could use instead, like baskets, bowls, etc.

Another thing that Rebekah talked about was how to photograph your beautiful bouquet.

  • Pay a lot of attention to what’s in the background.
  • Whenever possible use indirect sunlight.
  • Play around with the white balance.
  • Keep an eye on the angle. Pick either eye level or straight down. Your photo needs to have a focal point to draw readers’ attention.

And there you have it! With summer fast approaching there will be access to loads of pretty flowers at your fingertips! I hope you have play around and create the perfect (to you) floral arrangement!

Do you have a photo of one that you’re particularly proud of? Share it on my Facebook page so we can all see!


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6 comments June 3, 2015 - 9:10 pm
I never realized how much I enjoyed flower arranging until we did it as an activity at a friend's bridal shower last summer. It was so fun to take disparate elements and make them into a cohesive whole. I should do this more often!
Monica Louie June 4, 2015 - 6:01 am
Great tips! Thank you for sharing! :)
Heather June 5, 2015 - 1:07 pm
Beautiful! I needed these tips. Thanks for sharing.
Geoff June 6, 2015 - 8:28 am
If I ever take up such a demanding hobby, I will keep these tips in mind. For the moment, though, I'm still on a quest for a manual on how to make one's thumb green.
Megan @ Involuntary Adulthood June 6, 2015 - 1:38 pm
Hello from Dare to Share Saturday! Thanks for sharing what you learned! I've always wanted to take a floral arranging class.
Anne M June 10, 2015 - 11:52 am
Hi Melissa! It was so good to see you at Thriving on Thursdays again last week. This post couldn't have come at a better time. I'm doing all the flowers for my upcoming wedding in September this year and I need all the help I can get. If only I could afford the lovely selection you have. I'll make do with what I can afford though, thanks to your great advice. I'm featuring this post at tomorrow's party. Hope to see you again real soon.

Anne @ Domesblissity xx
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