Hey everyone! I know that it’s Tuesday night already, but how was your weekend? We had another good couple of days with pretty weather and outdoor activities. Wayne worked all day Saturday, so I took the kids solo to their games. Emma had her game at 10:00 am, and then Noah had his game at 4:00. We ended the day with a BBQ in the backyard for dinner.
Sunday Wayne worked a few more hours in the morning, and the kids and I got up bright and early and headed back to the fields because Anika had a two hour soccer skills assessment for the upcoming fall season. The kids were super excited that day because they knew there would be something fun and exciting that evening – a circus, and not just a circus anywhere – a circus practically in our backyard.
The FFA sponsored the Culpepper and Merriweather Circus; a small old fashioned circus that travels around to little towns – just like they used to do back in the day. They set up their tent in the field behind the grade school, which could be seen from our front yard.
We grabbed out tickets and all walked over to experience the circus. There was a concession stand full with traditional snacks – popcorn, lemonade, snow cones, cotton candy, etc. There was a giant inflatable slide, a bounce house merry-go-round, and pony rides.
As we all walked into the big tent the kids got excited as they saw some of their friends and classmates and we all found a seat. There were no bad seats to be had.
Traditional acts on a smaller scale kept all of the kids entertained for the show. It was so much fun to have this opportunity in our small town, in our backyard. If the Culpepper and Merriweather Circus ever come back again I would definitely take the family again!