New Mom Advice

I received product and compensation from Mead Johnson Nutrition to create this post written by me. All experiences and opinions expressed in this post are my own and not those of Mead Johnson Nutrition. Consult your pediatrician before making changes to your baby’s diet or if you have concerns related to your baby’s digestive health. Please see the product label/website for acceptable use and benefits. You can contact Mead Johnson Nutrition with product related questions or comments toll free at 1-800-BABY 123 or through the Contact Us link on Enfamil A.R. or
I think something is in the air around here – I know so many pregnant women right now! It brings back lots of memories, some good, some that I definitely don’t miss, but it certainly makes me miss tiny little toes and baby snuggles. Gosh they grow up so fast.
It really makes me think about these past twelve years that I’ve been a mom.
Sometimes I get so busy living life that I don’t take time to reflect. With Anika in the 7th grade, it seems like forever ago when I would stay up countless nights with her, rocking her, burping her, and feeding her. She was definitely my most time consuming baby and actually had frequent spit up issues, which was not only messy, but frustrating for my naive 18 year old self. There was many sleepless nights together just the two of us, and we both did a whole lot of learning.
Twelve years ago I wished I would have had more knowledge on what to do, and more ideas on how to help her. Spit up also known as uncomplicated reflux (GER) is actually fairly common in babies because while their digestive systems are developing, and every baby can have periods of irritability and fussiness, so it doesn’t always mean that babies have the more serious Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), but often times simply Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER). Since uncomplicated reflux (GER) may not be related to excess acid production, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends lifestyle changes such as more frequent burping and holding the baby upright after feeding for longer, as well as using thickened feedings such as Enfamil A.R. ™
Enfamil A.R. is now the #1 selling brand of formula for spit up, and it’s clinically proven to reduce spit up by over 50% in infants with frequent spit up, while providing all of the complete nutrition that babies need to reach key milestones.
My dad once told me that raising a baby is the toughest job you will ever love – and I think he’s right. Looking back I wouldn’t trade anything for those nights of tears, pacing, and sleep deprivation for anything, because while at the time it seemed as if it would never end, you’re only going to have a baby for one year of your child’s life, and each little milestone goes by so fast.
Here are a couple tips I learned to help if your child is experiencing fussiness and frequent spit up issues:
1.  Try to stop feedings more frequently to burp your baby- and try burping them in different ways. Some baby’s burp just fine sitting with them, others may do a better job relaxing if you walk and burp them on your shoulder.
2.  Also, try to keep your baby upright for a while after they are done eating as lying them down directly afterwards could upset their stomach.
3.  And finally, call your pediatrician if the spit up continues and/ or worsens.
It’s always better to have a professional opinion and diagnosis so you can know the best way to help your baby.

If you would like to learn more, visit and then consult with your pediatrician to before trying anything new.

I received product and compensation for this sponsored post written by me on behalf of Mead Johnson Nutrition. All opinions are my own and not those of Mead Johnson Nutrition.

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