Bigger and Better Changes

Hello everyone and happy spring! you may have noticed a few crickets around here over the past week, as well as some visual changes to the blog.

I’ve been writing on here for just about 4 years now, and when I started this blog I wasn’t sure exactly what I was doing, so I just found an easy platform that literally cost me nothing to start (Blogger) and I began.

A couple of years ago when my online slice of the world-wide web really started becoming more than just a hobby I knew that I wanted more control of my website. This meant finding a new host for my site, a new platform, and ultimately transferring everything over. I knew that it wouldn’t be easy for me and that I didn’t want to attempt it on my own and would need to hire someone to do most of the dirty work for me.

To cut a VERY long story short, last week we finally made it happen. First it took almost a week of waiting for Google to release my domain name so that we could get it transferred. Then it took another 12 hours to get the website back live and running again It’s still going to take a little time getting everything straightened out and looking pretty over here, but slowly and surly it will be back to normal, and eventually will be even better and more user-friendly with more search and navigation options for you.

In the meantime pardon the mess! I can’t wait until you see the final results.


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