How To Shift Your Mental Focus

Let’s face it. Most of us are pretty self centered – I know that I myself am included and guilty of this. Often times we get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life that we tend to be overly self focused in the daily stress of our own little world’s – and that’s not always a good thing. We start getting burnt out on everyday life and don’t enjoy things as much as we truly should.

When you are focused on your immediate surrounding all of the time – worrying about what kid need to go to what practice or worrying that your next paycheck won’t be as much as you’d like – it can bring you down. I’ve found over the years that the fight or flight emotional state that we get caught up in is very unhealthy and causes not only things like depression, but can also make us physically ill as well.

Being focused just on yourself can downright become depressing and turn into an official pity party that you didn’t even realize existed.

So what’ the solution to all of these negative behaviors that we all fall into?

I think it’s a combination of things, but most importantly being grateful and giving back to the community.

Being grateful. The first thing you need to do when you start to become overwhelmed with life is to stop, take a deep breath, and think about everything that you have accomplished and everything you are grateful for. Sometimes just writing these things down will help put your day into a positive perspective.

The second thing that I think everyone should do regardless of where you are in life is to give back in some wayespecially in your own local community. Volunteer your time at a nonprofit that you feel strongly about, spend an afternoon reading with kids at a local elementary school, package up care packages for others in need. Find something that helps someone else.

The act of shifting your thoughts and focusing your efforts may sound silly, or like a lot of work, but believe me, the reward is so much better. Month after month I ask myself why did I get so involved in the PTA? I sit there typing up agendas and writing Facebook updates and I’m tired, stressed, and just exhausted. But then we all meet once a month and go over things, make plans, and approve funds for kids and I’m rejuvenated. Knowing that over 400 students get to have things they need and go have experiences outside of school on field trips makes me happy, and I’m glad that I get to play a large part in shaping memories that will last a lifetime for those kids.

I get excited when I hear about local companies giving back to the community as well. Comcast serves nearly 600,000 people in Oregon and SW Washington and they set a great example by also giving back to the local community. Last year Comcast invested $4.5 million dollars through Comcast foundation grants and contributions, public service announcement campaigns, Comcast newsmakers appearances, scholarships, Cable in the Classroom, the Beyond School Walls mentoring program, and volunteer efforts.

They’ve done some amazing things for our community lately, like:

They adopted two local k-8th high need schools through the support of their Schoolhouse Supplies’ Tools for Schools Program and every single student received new backpacks filled with supplies so that everyone had the right tools to start the year off right.

For 5 years now, Comcast has also offered a Internet Essentials Program, which is a $9.95 Internet option for low income families with students who are pre-K through 12th grade.

( More information at: )

After reading about the Comcast programs I’m even more inspired to go out and just help. Help others in need. To do something kind without thought. To give back to the community.

So when you feel overwhelmed, stressed, and depressed remember to stop, reflect, and help others.


Thank you Comcast for sponsoring this discussion! All opinions are 100% my own.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Comcast. The opinions and text are all mine.



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