What’s Up With Me, Anyways?

Why hello everyone! I have literally spent the last 3 weeks updating all of my old posts from nearly 4 years of writing and getting them categorized onto this blog. Last month after much debating and a lot of work, I enlisted some assistance and transferred my blog over to  Wordpress.org. If you don’t know what that means don’t worry about it…to put it simply stated I now have full control of what this site looks like and how I run it. It’s not nearly finished around here, but I’m slowly making things more user-friendly for everyone. You will see a better navigation menu with more categories for you to scroll through old articles, and this webpage should begin to start looking a little more inviting. 🙂

While I was looking though all of my 800+ posts over this last month I realized something – even though I write a lot, I don’t share as much as I did back in the day. I think over the years as blogs have changed as well as social media, I’ve slowly withdrawn more personally than before. I still write about my life and things, but I don’t share or talk about it as often as I once did…and I think after a lot of contemplating I figured out why.

As this blog has grown and more people have begun reading it, I’ve become cautious with over sharing in fear of getting judged by someone I know personally.

I know, silly, right? I’ve never posted negative stuff and I don’t share anything that I wouldn’t want my own mother to read (she’s my number one fan on here anyways!) … I guess what started out as just a little online journal where I could share my passions has grown in to something larger, and that’s not only exciting but a little bit scary. 

I want to get back into writing more personal life moments though, because looking back at years past I can’t help but cringe and smile at the same time.

I cringe because my photography was horrific and my grammar isn’t even close to what it is today (and that’s not saying much!) yet I smile – because seeing the memories from my little babies-who-aren’t-s0-little-anymore makes me happy and sad at the same time. I’m glad that I documented those moments, because honestly – that’s what life is about.

So while I am gearing up to share so many more tips, tricks, and fabulous recipes and destination ideas – you’ll also see a little more of my personal side once again.

And if we haven’t been properly introduced yet, Hi. My name is Melissa. I’m a blogger and a dreamer. I began this blog to share my memories, and now I write in hopes to inspire you to make memories daily and celebrate life. In fact, I’m rather obsessed with it.


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