Challenger Sports Soccer Camps

Hello everyone! It’s a gorgeous afternoon here in the Willamette Valley, and right now I’m sitting down at a park while the kids play on the playground and in the water features.  If you’ve been following along on Instagram you know that we recently got back from a trip to northern California and southern Oregon. Our primary purpose for the trip was to visit family, but we managed to squeeze in some extra fun as well. 🙂

Today I want to share a little information for you about a soccer camp that Noah attended a couple of weeks ago, hosted by Challenger Sports.

Anika attended one of their camps last year  in Salem, and this year I decided to let Noah go to a half-day camp in Sherwood held at their YMCA. 

If you’ve never heard of Challenger Sports summer camps before, they are actually the leading provider of camps in the United States and Canada with over 3,000 communities hosting British Soccer, TetraBrazil and Freestyle soccer camps and clinics for over 150,000 players.

The coaches are actually flown in from their home country and stay with host families during the duration of the camps.

Who should attend a Challenger Sports Camp?

Any child who loves soccer and wants to learn more! From our experiences the past two years, the camps are fairly small groups, allowing kids to have more 1:1 time with their coaches. The camps are for kids ages 5-12, and they offer other camps for smaller children as well.

The camp Noah attended this year was an indoor camp, and while I preferred the outdoor setting that we had with Anika, Noah still very much enjoyed his week at camp. After the final day of camp his coach signed his soccer ball and took a picture with him so he could remember the experience.

As soon as camp was over Noah was asking me how long he would have to wait before he could go to soccer camp again!

If you are interested in finding out more about Challenger Soccer camps you can visit their website HERE.


Full Disclosure: I received a complimentary summer camp pass in exchange for a written review. No other compensation is provided

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