This is a sponsored post on ways to de-stress. All opinions are my own.
Hello everyone! I hope all is well. This summer has been moving along so incredibly quickly! With the new job, Anika participating in the county fair, and I as a bridesmaid in a friend’s wedding…I won’t lie, life these past few weeks has been a bit stressful.
I spent a little while on here the other day looking through some old blog posts, like the one I mentioned about ways to simplify stress, and it made me reflect back on life lately. Sometimes you can’t necessarily change the stressors that you are going through, but you can change how you are coping (or lack of ) with them. I know that lately I haven’t been coping that well and I need to change that myself. It’s always easier said than done, but I know a few ways that can help me – and you – de-stress during crazy times:
- Take a hot bath and watch your favorite show. One thing that I’m actually pretty good at doing when I’m stressed out is taking a hot bubble bath, pouring a glass of wine, and watching one of my favorite Real Housewives reality shows. It let’s me get my mind off of everything going on in my personal life and helps me relax.
- Get a massage. I’ve been horrible at this over the past few years, but know that it’s really something that I just need to take the time and money and make it happen. I tend to hold my stress in my shoulders and literally end up physically sore all of the time. Places like Groupon have amazing deals on local therapists who can work wonders on aching muscles…and the best thing about Groupon is that you can try someone out for a great discount while you are looking for the perfect massage therapist/company for you.
- Exercise. Also something I’ve been terrible at accomplishing lately, however I know that it’s something that really helps alleviate my stress and tension, helps me sleep at night, and just makes me feel better in general. It’s tough to get in the routine again though, but it will be worth it!
Of course I’m sitting writing all of these things in the middle of the night when I should be sleeping and resting up, but who knows, maybe someday I’ll start learning how to take my own advice! Until then I’ll just keep writing away and sharing these tips with you!
What are some ways that you have found helpful to de-stress? I’d love to hear other ideas!
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