How to Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

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I think we’ve all been guilty of this from time to time. It seems like it’s just part of our nature to want to keep improving ourselves; to keep trying harder. Along the way though, we often find ourselves comparing our success to others. I know I do. Most often it’s about silly materialistic things that we associate with achievement: the nice cars, big houses, and other luxuries like having a housekeeper or lawn service. If you do have some of these things – that’s wonderful! But you too may be looking ahead to what the next class above you has.

The point is, success doesn’t always equal stuff. Your situation is completely different to everyone else’s out there. Maybe your success is working somewhere that allows you to have flexibility instead of extra compensation. Perhaps the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. You should always try to better yourself, but figure out what your own success will look like without peeking over the fence at someone else’s. 

It’s not easy.

I find myself wishing and dreaming of a lifestyle that some of my friends and acquaintances have, thinking that if I could just get myself to that point in life that somehow that would make things better. But then I remind myself that everyone has different stressors. Just because I achieve another milestone doesn’t mean that everything else changes.

So I’m working very hard on trying not to compare myself to others.

How? By doing a little homework myself. If you want to join me, sit down with something good to eat that will help nourish your body, mind, and soul, like Special K® products; then grab a pen and some paper and do these 4 steps:

How to stop comparing yourself to others:

Reflect: Make a list of everything you have. A roof over your head? Check. Money to pay the bills? Check. Your health? Check. Your family’s health?… These right here are the important things. These are what matter the most to you.

Dream: Instead of looking around and seeing what everyone else has or does, after you are done reflecting, think about what you do want in life, where you do want to go, and what you would like to provide for your family. Write a list.

Plan: Map out the life that YOU want, and how YOU want to live it. Maybe you want to take a year off and backpack around the world. Does it make sense to go out and buy a brand new vehicle then, just because everyone else has a newer car than you? Plan what you want to accomplish, and figure out the things that you want to do, and have. This can be an ongoing plan, but you’re never going to really know what you want until you start. Also think about some of the things that you may have to sacrifice in order to get what you want.

Appreciate: At the end of the day, what you have now is 10x more than what some people have. There’s someone else out there in the world right now who isn’t as fortunate as you are. Appreciate your life. Be grateful every day.

Remember: your life is an amazing gift. The best thing you can is make many wonderful memories not only yourself, but your loved ones around you. When you are doing your reflections, remember to keep yourself nourished by having something to fuel your body as well, like Kellogg’s® Special K® Cereal, Kellogg’s® Special K® Bars, or a Kellogg’s® Special K® Protein Shake. They can be found at your local Fred Meyer. You can also enter below for your chance to win a gift card! <3

#NourishWhatsNext Special K at Kroger

Do you find yourself comparing to others? What do you do in that situation?

For more good tips on nourishing your body, visit this website. 


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1 comment

Cristi Comes September 20, 2016 - 9:45 am
It really is so important to appreciate what we have and working toward what we really want. Comparing ourselves to others does nothing for our own happiness. I really agree! {client}
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