So long, October

Why hello there, and happy November! We are officially on the verge of the holiday season and I’m excited! While I apologize for the crickets on here in October, I assure you that I have lots of great things in store for you in November.

Although October flew by way too fast for my liking, we did manage to still make some special memories throughout the month. In the beginning of October I ended up in Prosser, Washington for a few days for a wine blogging media tour of the area. The next week Wayne and I took Noah and Emma to Portland to see Disney On Ice: World’s of Enchantment.

The third week in October we spent the afternoon together at the Pumpkin patch, in between soccer games of course. We visited Heiser’s Pumpkin Patch and thoroughly enjoyed our time, even though the poor corn maze was ruined due to a big wind storm we had here in the PNW.

Before Halloween I chaperoned Noah’s classroom to the pumpkin patch, where he had a completely muddy blast.

The last weekend in October both Noah and Anika finished off their soccer seasons and Noah’s coach threw a pizza party for the team. Emma kept busy with her weekly horse riding lessons out in Yamhill.

Halloween quickly approached and I found myself literally breaking out the decorations the morning of… better late than never, right? I set up a few little things, then ran into town for last-minute snacks and goodies, and finished filling 360 little goodie bags for the trick or treaters. I then headed over to Emma and Noah’s school to hang out and observe some of their Halloween activities. Noah had a classroom party, followed by something that the school calls “rhythms”, which is a dance based P.E. class that the children love. Emma also had rhythms that day, and her 3rd grade class had a science experiment event instead of a plain party, and the students all had a great time with their sugary experiments – and were learning in the process. After the science experiments they all changed into their costumes and did a mini fashion show contest before school was over.

Then it was time for the real fun to begin.

Halloween party music played on our Pandora and I threw on my old goth prom dress and some dark eyeshadow as a last-minute costume. Dare I say that it’s now vintage? 🙂 Some friends of ours came over and we snacked on pizza and then headed down the street to a harvest party at the church where the kids attended preschool and then we trick or treated out neighborhood. As usual it was a cluster of chaos that went by way too fast.

And then just like that, BAM! November was here.

How was your October?


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