7 Ways to be Happier This Year

Happy New Year my friends! I don’t know about your but I was more than ready to begin a fresh start. Last year was a doozy for many people I know, including myself, and to be honest with you there were some moments where I found it a challenge to feel happy.

Work stress, health complications, and just a lot of changes sucked some of the joy right out of me.

This year will be different. This year I’m making changes in my life so that I can manage stress better. I was recently talking with my chiropractor and he reminded me that we all have stress, the difference is how we cope with it.

I’m currently mapping out a plan to do just that.

Whatever your plans are for the New Year I encourage you to do this: be happier.

7 Ways to be Happier This Year

Tell others that you love them:  As we all know, life is just too short. Each day is a gift, and we take for granted the people that we love. Don’t forget to tell the people you love that you love them! Just letting them know will not only make you feel happier, but them as well.

Forgive people – including yourself: Holding on to anger isn’t just bad for our happiness, but can take a toll on our physical health. Practice forgiveness, it will lift a weight off of your shoulders.

Reflect on the one thing you are grateful for each day: Around the dinner table or before bed, share something that you are grateful for. Reminding yourself about everything you are blessed with will make you smile.

Do something fun each week: And make sure to schedule it into your calendar. It doesn’t have to be something big each week, it just has to be something that you enjoy doing. Going for a hike, taking the kids to the movies, read a new book…the options are endless. Do something that you enjoy – for you.

Spend time making memories with people who you love: After all, that is what this website is all about. Consciously making memories is a great way to be happier. Whether you are baking new recipes together, exploring a new town, or creating something for someone else – I fully believe that you should make some sort of memory daily.

Find excuses to celebrate: Holidays, birthdays, anniversarys…these are all normal times that we celebrate together. This year, find new excuses to get together and celebrate. Here are some ideas for excuses here.

Have anything else to add? Comment below!


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