5 things I’ve learned after blogging for 5 years

I have never really acknowledged an/or celebrated this website’s anniversary before. I think it’s probably because I’m normally in such a hurry all of the time that I don’t look back and reflect on how far this website has come over the course of 5 years.

Just over 5 years ago I realized that many of the website’s I saw and sought out for information and inspiration weren’t just big company sites, but they were actually created and managed by a real person. Having always loved to write and share ideas the wheels in my head began turning and I soon began searching up ways to create my own website and on April 13th 2012 the rough draft for this site was born. It’s been quite a journey over the past 5 years. I have researched and learned so much from mainly trial and error. From site design to photography and editing, it’s been 5 years of fun and constant growth – and I don’t forsee that changing anytime soon, because there is so much more for me to learn.

If I had to sum up what 5 years of blogging has taught me it would be this:


You can research and learn topics on most anything now.

Just because you don’t have a degree in a certain topic doesn’t mean that you can’t figure things out. Sure it’s probably easier if you know exactly where you want to go, but over the past few years I’ve noticed that there are 2 types of people: the kinds that don’t know what to do and ask questions, and the kind that says, “let me look things up and figure out an answer.” Which person are you?

You have to love to hustle.

Running this site isn’t easy. You have to have such a passion for what you are doing that you are willing to give up things like extra sleep or free time. You’ve got to be focused enough to see the rewards along the way. You also have to be okay with hearing the word ‘no’, and have the courage to put your work out there without worrying about other’s thoughts.

There is money to be made online, but it doesn’t come fast and it doesn’t come easy.

When I began “blogging” I had no clue how websites made money or if that was something I was even interested in. About a year and a half after the website launched I made my first hundred (give or take) dollars. I’ve made a decent part-time income consistently over the past 3 years now, however there were many, many hours of unpaid work – and still are. (Because, refer to #2).

You need to have a consistent message on your website.

When I first began writing I knew that I didn’t (or couldn’t) write simply about one topic. I’ve always admired people who could, because it is very wonderful for readers to have a consistent topic on one website with all of the information about that subject that they would need. I just don’t have the focus to do that. I did however, learn that it’s important to at least have an overall theme or message with your site, and write things that will tie in together with that message.

There’s always room to grow.

Even after 5 years of creating it amazes me at just how much more there is to learn. Technology is always evolving and you really have to love to learn to enjoy this career.

So cheers to the next 5 years my friends! On a side note, my children were very confused as to why I was making a ‘birthday cake’ this week…but they’ll be enjoying it for dessert tonight! 😉


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1 comment

Jenna April 19, 2017 - 6:26 am
This caught my eye because my 5 yr anni is coming up in Aug. I started blogging to push myself creatively and wow, the things I have learned, the friends I have met and the growth I have seen in my artwork is amazing. I only do occasional sponsored posts, and do not allow ads to keep my blog neat and readable. I do treat it like a paying job, but my commitment comes from love for what I'm doing and love sharing ideas with others. My family is never surprised to see a random cake in the kitchen, and they know they have to wait for photos before digging in! Congrats on your accomplishments, and have a great next 5!
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