4 Ways to Get Your House into Fall Shape

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #DIYWithRugDoctor #CollectiveBiasfall

You guys, I am so excited that fall is upon us. Don’t get me wrong, I loved summer and cherish that season every year, but I also look forward to change..and the transition from summer to fall is always one of my favorites.

Recently I’ve been gone quite a bit! Over the past two and a half weeks I’ve traveled to Las Vegas, San Francisco, and Southern Oregon. It’s been a whirlwind of fun and adventures, however when I returned my poor little house looked disastrous! I guess returning home definitely made me feel needed again.

I feel that every spring I do my spring cleaning, and every summer all that goes out the window when the kids are home. Nothing stays clean in the summer. Hence, when fall comes and everyone heads back to their regular schedules I try to get my house back into fall shape before things get crazy again with the holidays.

Getting the house into fall shape means doing things like reorganizing the junk drawer, cleaning all the cobwebs off the porches, sorting through kids (and your!) clothes, and deep cleaning all of the carpets.


4 Ways to Get Your House Into Fall Shape:

Reorganize your junk drawer.  Or any drawers for that matter. After summer ends our junk drawer, kitchen utensil drawer, actually almost every drawer we have, needs reorganizing and de-cluttered. Start with one drawer at a time by taking everything out of the drawer and separating items into piles. Things to toss, things to put back in it’s rightful place, and things to keep in that drawer. Our junk drawer has an organizing container that allows us to easily keep things separated. We store pens, scissors, batteries, extra chargers, etc. in it.

Get rid of cobwebs. We must have a ton of spiders in the PNW, because every time I turn around there are cobwebs all over outside: around the porch lights, garage lights, banisters…even the garage. While Halloween will be here before you know it, it’s best to have the real cobwebs cleaned up for the fall. 🙂

Sort through clothes. Every single year the kid’s closets need thinning, and honestly mine do too. Now is the perfect time to sort through outgrown and worn out clothes (as well as socks!). Bonus: less laundry to fold in the long run.

Deep clean the carpets. The best way to restore carpet, improve air quality inside the home and eliminate odors/stains is to deep clean. Vacuuming is like using dry shampoo in your hair – while Deep Cleaning is like washing it with shampoo and rinse. I clean my carpets 2-3 times a year (though with my family they could use a cleaning more frequently than that!). Cleaning your carpets in the fall is the perfect time to get them presentable before the holiday season.

Rug Doctor has a NEW Pro-Deep System that is currently available where I live in the Portland-Metro area (also available in Denver) . My local Albertsons had plenty in stock to rent. If you’ve never used a Rug Doctor before it’s really simple. You can look at their website to find a pick up location that’s closest to you, then you simply stop in the store and head over to customer service. They’ll need to see your ID and get a signature. My store offered a 24 or a 48 hour rental.

The Pro-Deep system was honestly the easiest carpet cleaning system I’ve used. Unlike past systems, The Pro-Deep cleans back and forth like a vacuum does. It also has detachable tanks that make filling and emptying quick and easy.

What are the benefits of cleaning your own carpet?

Hiring a professional on average costs $250 per visit. Renting a Rug Doctor Pro-Deep and buying the cleaning that goes with it is about $55. Also, professional vehicle detailing can also cost over $100. Renting a Rug Doctor Pro-Portable and buying the solution is roughly $30.

Plus, if you live in the Portland-Metro area, you can save $3 now with this coupon!

Also be sure to check out the Pro-Portable Spot and Detailer System and visit the Rug Doctor website and see if these new systems are available where you live!

What other things do you do every year to get your house into fall shape?

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