So, I have an old sewing machine that was given to me by my Mom, but it is missing a piece and I need to take it in. So I was super upset that I couldn’t finish my project….until I remembered that I bought my daughter a cheap-o Hello Kitty sewing machine last Christmas, and it had just been sitting there in her closet! So yes, it was a total pain, but I managed to sew the banner with a battery operated machine for little girls!
So I sewed the hems of the pink fabic strip, but didn’t bother with the triangles. I’m not a perfectionist and am pretty sure a little ADD, because I just can’t do a project that takes me longer than a day….it turned out fine though for what we are using it for!
I’ve also made a couple tablecloths for her party, and am also working on a Bean Bag toss board…. I will be sure to post pics of those soon, and of course pictures from her slumber party!