Today I’m going to share three simple meals for you. Life as a mom to three growing kids means there aren’t very many dull moments around here, and some weeks are definitely more chaotic than others.
This week is one of those weeks.
I’m working a couple of night shifts, have to plan the agenda (and attend) our PTO meeting, Noah has a dentist appointment, and of course, I’ll put on my chauffeur hat to take the little ladies to and from their soccer practices and games. To top it all off I’m letting the girls each have two friends over Saturday for a slumber party!
Knowing what this week entailed, I sat down Sunday evening like I usually do to plan out a meal menu and weekly shopping list. Planning ahead not only cuts down on prep time but also the temptation to grab food that we can’t afford and isn’t healthy.
I did my weekly shopping trip to Safeway in between preschool drop off and kindergarten pick up. They just happened to have Hillshire Brand products on sale with their Just For U program right now where you can Save $3 if you buy 3 products. If you know me, you know I love a deal, so I grabbed three items that I knew would come in handy this week to prepare three simple meals.