Well, friends, we are officially two weeks away from Halloween weekend, and I know my kids are as excited as ever! Not only do they get to dress up in their favorite costumes, eat candy, and show all of their wild and craziness, but they also get to stay up later because it’s on a Saturday this year, which means they can sleep in the next morning! (I’m a little excited about that myself!)
Today, I’m chaperoning Noah’s first “big kid” field trip with his Kindergarten class to the pumpkin patch, where we will go on a hayride, do some fun activities, and pick out pumpkins. We love going to pumpkin patches and normally go a handful of times every year, but I’m running behind with so many soccer games going on, so this is the first pumpkin patch trip of the year! I’ll have to get the rest of the family together and head out to one this weekend or next so we can spend the day together and stock up on more pumpkins for decorating purposes.