It always feels that this time of the year is so full of life that I sometimes don’t get a moment to sit down and reflect on all of the little moments that make memories daily. This month we’ve already completed 14 soccer, softball, and t-ball practices + 6 games, 2 horse riding lessons, 2 field trips, the biggest PTA event of the year, 5 birthday parties (including Noah who turned 6!), Mother’s Day, plus all of those other things like WORK and chores.
With something happening nightly around here it can get tiring. We are currently carpooling with one vehicle so that makes life even more exciting, but as I sit here at my kitchen table (aka office) I can’t help but feel grateful. I don’t have much, but I don’t need much. My house is getting close to the 20 year mark and it hasn’t been updated since it was built, but it’s my home. Half of my furniture is an eclectic mix-matched and no frills style. Would I like nice new furniture that matched? Yes – but I appreciate that I have durable chairs that have lasted this long.
When I catch myself becoming envious of bigger and better things that others have (after all, it’s only human nature) I try and think of what I would have to sacrifice to have those things. I’d love to have a bigger house to entertain in, a new car, and other luxuries….but you know what I want even more?