It all started when I met my husband and was introduced to wine…thus slowly began collecting the corks off of the bottles we consumed. He is a manager for a vineyard as well, so he had a collection of corks as well. I designated an old clear glass vase that I will toss them in as we come across them. I kept them thinking that someday I would make SOMETHING with them.
Then one day an idea occurred to me. I had been wanting a napkin holder for quite some time now, but hadn’t a.) found one I liked, that was b.) in my budget and price range. So that is when a light bulb popped into my head and I began eyeing those corks that were just sitting there, waiting to be reused. I grabbed a glue gun and went to work.
I glued one row of corks together for a base, then two rows together for sides.
I then glued all of the sides together and added tops from champagne corks that I had for a little bit of a decorative edge:
And voila’!
It isn’t the prettiest napkin holder ever, but it has held up really well for the past year and a half, and its a conversation starter when guests come over!
I have also made a couple of cork boards, still haven’t completely implemented them in the house, but I’m pretty pleased with how they have turned out.
And that is my cork creativity! I’ve heard of people making mats with the corks too… any other ideas for reusing corks???