Hey everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve hopped on here and said ‘hello’! I’m finally getting back into a routine after nearly a month of traveling back and forth – I have so many adventures to talk about! Today I wanted to share day #3 of my trip to the Wine Bloggers Conference in Corning, NY last month. If you need to catch up you can find day #1’s post here, and day #2 here. Be on the lookout – the final day #4 will be on here soon! 🙂
Saturday morning I dragged my sleepy self out of bed to more sessions at 9:30 am, and after the sessions, we were greeted with yet another tasty lunch. More sessions were held after lunch, including the second speed tasting. Saturday evening we all headed over to the Corning Museum of Glass, where we attended a live hot glass demo. It always amazes me how glass artists can create such beautiful masterpieces!
(See day one HERE) You know you are at the Wine Blogger’s Conference when you begin tasting at 10 am with…
If you have been reading this blog for any amount of time, you know that I believe in making lasting memories…