Hello! Welcome to my blog! I am brand spanking new at this, so forgive me if it takes a little while for me to catch on. Let me introduce myself first…my name is Melissa, I’m nearly 27, and as you might have guessed, yup I live in the Willamette Valley. Why am I a wonder woman you might ask? Well, if you asked me directly, I’d probably tell you I’m not! But I have had others tell me that I am before, probably because I tend to dabble in a little of everything and always have my hands full! I have three children, Anika 8; Emma 4; and Noah who will be two next month! My husband Wayne works full time as a highly experienced vineyard manager, and when I’m not busy as a domestic goddess I work a few shifts a month as a charge nurse for a local skilled nursing facility, and I also host some in-home parties for adult women. I am one of those people who will never run out of things to do on my bucket list, whether it’s attempting to organize and de-clutter my house, crafting up things (with or without the kids), or trying a new creative recipe, I will share it all! So get ready, grab a glass of vino, and enjoy the journey with me!
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Melissa Kaylene
Thanks for stopping by! I am a mom of three teens, travel nurse, writer, and recipe developer. I love collecting vintage etiquette books, creating tasty food platters, traveling, and enjoying a good glass of wine. I created Melissa Kaylene in 2012 with the hopes to inspire you to make memories daily. Here you will find recipes, entertaining tips, tips to better your life, and travel ideas.
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Hey Sister 🙂 Good luck and congrats on starting your own blog, I know I'll be viewing it quite often lol. Oh…and by the way peoples…she's just being modest, she is totally a wonder woman!!! Luv ya Sista <3
Awe you are so sweet! Thanks sista! <3
[…] wheels in my head began turning and I soon began searching up ways to create my own website and on April 13th 2012 the rough draft for this site was born. It’s been quite a journey over the past 5 years. I have researched and […]