I’ve dreamed about creating a blog for quite some time now. I discovered and fell in love with some other blogs that inspire me to be more creative, more organized, and to try new things. I have contemplated and contemplated and have decided to divide my blog into different segments, and will keep it within four categories. These four different areas are things that interest me, and hopefully you as well!
- Divide and Conquer: My attempt at de-cluttering, organizing, and simplifying my house.
Organization in the laundry room!
- Creative and Crafty: All things involving my creative mind, whether it be a craft with the kids, party ideas, holiday decorating, or whatever else my brain can come up with!
Fun masks to make with the kids using items around the house!
Fabulous Food (and Drinks!): Whether I’m attempting a new exotic recipe, fixing a new fun cocktail, or exploring a fabulous local restaurant, you won’t want to miss out on these delectable finds!
My first attempt at homemade Baklava!
- Family Fun: A fun recap of a family activity that we enjoyed! It is so important to take time out of our busy schedules and make sure we are connecting with our families on a weekly basis, even if it means hanging out in the backyard roasting marshmallows on the BBQ, or snuggling in for a movie night. Family fun doesn’t have to cost a fortune and I will show you some of the fun you can have on a budget together!
Family fun at the coast!
I am super excited to share all of my ideas, and I think this blog will help keep me in track and organized as well!
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1 comment
OOOOh that Baklava looks great! I have always wanted to try it! We have a small Greek restuarant (however you spell that) here in town, but I'm pretty chicken about trying food from other cultures.