Well, It has been a busy couple days here again, and I just wanted to share a couple awesome things. First thing, I woke up this morning, and do as I usually do, checked my email, Facebook, and blogger on my cell with one eye half-open. Well, this morning as I’m glancing through the blogs I follow, I notice something very familiar…one of my posts! Kimberlee at The Peaceful Mom shared my Girls Sleepover Craft Ideas post on her Show and Tell Saturday! It’s the first time I’ve been featured on anything, and it was pretty exciting.
Another very exciting thing around here is the newest edition to my family! I had been fighting and fighting with my piece of crap vacuum for years now, and Thursday was the last straw when it got plugged up AGAIN, and as I was trying to clean it out I somehow managed to get a bobby pin stuck through the hose. We have patched it before, but this was it! The vacuum wasn’t suctioning as well as it should, the filters were a pain in the rear to clean, and we have been talking about buying a new one for years. So my husband came home and I told him we had to buy one. Period. So, without further ado, here is Mr. Dyson. I absolutely adore him, love, love, love the ball concept. It is like the Cadillac of vacuums. I know it is expensive, but totally worth the investment…especially if you are a mom like me and have messy little kids! Even as I was purchasing it at the store a fellow mom walked by and raved on her Dyson that she has had for 5 years!
So, I’ve been playing around with my Instagram app on my phone, and I am really liking it. I don’t have a fancy camera (yet,…someday…) but I have always loved photographing things around me. Here’s a couple of shots I think are pretty cool.
This week will not be as busy as last week, (I think) but should still be fairly busy. I’m working night shift Sunday night, so part of Monday will be wasted sleeping (boo), Tuesday is a Dr. appointment, Wednesday is reading group day and then Anika is having a friend sleepover. Then Thursday and Friday will be spent getting ready for a road trip! Saturday My dad, the kiddos, and me will be driving down to Klamath Falls to the Flying Y resort, for a whole week! My dad has a timeshare and reserved the unit quite a while ago, and then things fell through with who was going with him. So, their loss, my luck! My hubby will be staying here because he can’t take that much time off of work….so this will be exciting and a little scary, just me and all three kids! Help! I’m definitely browsing the blogs and Pinterest for road trip activities!
Last but not least, I think I’m a little too hard on myself sometimes about keeping the house clean. It is a never-ending battle with the kids to even keep it picked up, and sometimes it seems that all I ever do is break up fights and play maid. I walked into the house last night after buying the vacuum, and, I just had to laugh. Look at that pile of clothes that needed folded! Normally I get frustrated, but this time I just chuckled. My husband asked me, “What?”, and I just replied. “Look at those clothes. It looks like I have a clothes Christmas Tree!” He didn’t really get it. But sometimes, you just gotta laugh. Actually, I think I was quite talented for getting them to pile so high! Oh well, no ones perfect!
P.S. I am SO grateful for all the comments lately! I love hearing from other people! I am currently working on a Facebook page to like so you can keep in contact with me that way, and I’ll be sure to let you know when its ready. Until then, please feel free to link up with me via Google on my side bar so we can keep in touch! Thanks!
{**UPDATE** There is now a ‘Like Me’ on Facebook page on the right of my webpage! }
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