Here’s my little Kitchen. Its nothing fancy, but it gets the job done. It has an eclectic collection of creations from my children included sporadically throughout it. It isn’t magazine perfect, and its slightly cluttered. But it is where a majority of my time is spent. If I had my dream kitchen I would opt for almost anything other than oak cabinets, icky fake pergo floors, and the green counter tops would go too. But it is my first house, and if you have little kids, you know you don’t want anything ‘too nice’ because it surely will not stay that way.
The fridge is a proud revolving art gallery of my children’s creations. A little calendar with the family’s schedule is always hanging.
Even less organized on the side, is where I throw all the junk mail until I get around to going through it, obviously in this picture it was about time! The not-so-good picture of the wooden basket next too it, is where I keep our bread and apples. It was a cool find at a Christmas bazaar one year. Its made from a tree trunk and the handle is a root.
I keep our knifes handy on the counter, and our most used cooking utensils in a mason jar. The blender and coffee maker stay on the counter as well, because we use them pretty frequently. Between them is one of my favorite little items, an old glass cake stand that I found for a steal.
But perhaps my favorite part in my kitchen is our little farm animals. These are NOT pretty to most, but I simply {heart} them! My two girls made these when they were little, they are little plaster of Paris creations we poured into little animal molds and they then painted them. Anika must have been 6, and Emma just 2. They have had lots of love, and a few bite marks in them!
If my husband gets off of work in time, we are going to go down and check out the Saturday market, and Mcminnville is having an “Artists Village” this weekend outside the oak trees at Linfield college. Over 50 Oregon artists, 10 local winery’s, and some delish snacks will be there. Hope we can check it out, and if we do, I’ll be sure to take pics 🙂
Lastly, I’d like to thank Kimberlee from The Peaceful Mom and Terry from Cherished Treasures for both featuring my post 31 Fun Kid Activities.
ALSO, much thanks to Sugar Plums and Lollipops for nominating me for the Versatile Blog Award! When I get a few extra minutes I will talk more about it :).
Well off I go, back to mom-world.
Til next time,
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