I have been unmotivated to do anything today. Unmotivated because I’ve been on the go a lot the past few days and I’ve been trying to fight off the cold that’s been going around here. So today I’ve let myself succumb to it, particularly because I’m working night shift tomorrow night, and I know if I don’t rest up now, I’ll never make it!
This week was eventful per the usual.
Monday I volunteered to count fundraiser money at Anika’s school, and it took a while to get it all organized. I am happy to say that with our read-a-thon we raised close to $4000. Not bad for a school with 396 students.
Tuesday my friend and I wrestled the littles up and headed to the mall for a little bit of exercise and window shopping. I rented the firetruck stroller and it was the most awkward embarrassing contraption. But I was one way cool mom.
Wednesday I was awoken extra early as my friend/current house guest was late for work and had a flat tire she couldn’t change. One of the caps on a lug nut came off and then the lug nut got striped. I gave her a ride to work, luckily she only worked a few hours, because we literally spent the entire afternoon trying to get that thing off! Two trips to town, three different home improvement/auto stores, and numerous phone calls to my poor husband later….things weren’t looking so good. It was stripped so bad I had to start chipping away at the lug nut in attempts to loosen it up or literally break it in half. That is next to impossible to do I’ll tell ya. Just as I was about to give up, a young man came up (whom apparently lives behind me) and offered to help. Between the three of us we were able to hammer on a socket for stripped out bolts and literally rip it off. Turns out he works at Tire Factory so he’s dealt with that a time or two. Then we headed to Les Schwab to get her a new set of tires; she had needed them badly and no better time like the present. Well…the SAME THING happened to them on one of the other tires! We had been waiting f-o-r-e-v-e-r when one of the guys finally came up and told us he had broke one of the lug nuts in half and it was flush with the wheel, and they couldn’t do anything else except drill out the bolt and start all over. Needless to say she decided it best to replace all of the old piece of junk things.
Thursday thank goodness. We stayed home.
Friday, not so much. Work meeting. Basketball practice. Then a harvest party at Oregon Vineyard Supply. I can’t pass up a time with a delicious catered meal and free wine as well. The kids had fun on the tractors…but I had a heck of a time getting them to sit still long enough for me to snap a decent picture!
Saturday was hectic too. Anika had back to back basketball games in the morning and we had to leave our house at 8am. The Dayton Pirates kicked butt this week though! It’s so exciting to see the kids learn and grow as a team – makes a momma proud :). Then we rushed off to town to grab goodies for Operation Christmas Child. The church that Emma’s preschool is at was requesting shoe boxes, and my kids wanted to donate. They each excitedly picked out items for another little boy/girl in another country that doesn’t get to have a lot of gifts like they do. They wrote a little note in each box and included their picture as well.
Then after that I headed into work until 11pm!
So, see why today the cold has got me down and I’m a draggin a little? 
Tomorrow is a new week. Another busy week. Work, Work, meetings,appointments,basketball games/practices, oh yes, a little midnight movie premiere, and then, as it looks right now….nothing on the calendar for next Sunday! Who hoo 
I’ll let you in on a little secret though…it was last minute and we are having to do a lot of rearranging…but we are going to make it happen. Family vacation in Seaside, Oregon for a whole week at the end of the month! No schedules, and we will be staying in a two bedroom condo…thanks to my dad… Super excited!!
Til next post,
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wow you sure had a busy week! Great pictures
New follower from the hop, follow back?
Busy indeed! I just became your 200th follower from the mingle :). Would love a follow back.