
Melissa Kaylene
Thanks for stopping by! I am a mom of three teens, travel nurse, writer, and recipe developer. I love collecting vintage etiquette books, creating tasty food platters, traveling, and enjoying a good glass of wine. I created Melissa Kaylene in 2012 with the hopes to inspire you to make memories daily. Here you will find recipes, entertaining tips, tips to better your life, and travel ideas.
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That last picture of Emma sure is cute. Close your eyes now because I'm going to say something scarey,….The photo of Anika in the red shirt, you can start to see what she will look like as a teenager. She sure is growing up! Your kids are all so beautiful! (Ok, Noah is handsome) LOL
Cute kids. Love your photos. Thanks so much for linking up to the Whatever Wednesday Party. New follower of your terrific blog. 🙂
Cherished Handmade Treasures
You have adorable children!