It’s been a whirlwind week for me, lots of lack-of-sleep and new great things coming. In my personal life, and here on the blog for you.
Monday we celebrated the kids’ grandma Vivian’s 90th birthday. I know, 90. Can you believe it? She’s been battling cancer for over 2 years, but still manages to live at home, get around with a walker, and is on very minimal medication. We devoured custom cupcakes and homemade strawberry and vanilla ice cream.
Then a couple of days flew by from working night shifts and before I knew it, it was Wednesday.
So, in a long round-a-bout way, I managed to get nominated and voted in for our elementary school’s  P.T.S.O. (Parent Teacher Student Organization). It really only happened because out of all the family’s in our town, I, little old me, was the only non-board member, non-faculty member that showed up. How sad is that? So there I sat with four other women (yes, not even all of the board member’s showed) and they all turned and looked at me with big puppy dog eyes, and practically begged me to the President of the organization for the 2013-14 year! How could I say no? Some people said I was crazy for adding another thing on my plate. Other’s congratulated me. My husband told me I was a glutton for punishment. But I had too. How could I not? Those children need to be able to have extracurricular activities and field trips and money for things they need in class. Anyone ever been involved with a P.T.S.O.? I’d love to chat with a couple people that may give me some pointers. Email me.
Now for the exciting news. Well, it’s almost here anyways. I have been working behind the scenes here at Willamette Valley Wonder Woman and I have something in the works that I’m very excited about, and it involves you. I hope you will be as excited as I am.
My next post will reveal! Follow and stay tuned! 😉
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Beautiful children! What a blessing your grandmother is 90! My grandmother is 88 yrs old. I'm co-hosting Mom's Monday Mingle blog hop following thru Google follow and Bloglovin! I'm a children's author and illustrator http://www.notyourordinarypsychicmom.com and http://www.facebook.com/melissaproductions Melissa
I can't wait to see what you have planned for the upcoming school year. My schools Parent Organization is so sad. Their are only 5 parents that participate and its a Pre-K thru 8th!