Last week the sun was shining bright and we absolutely loved it. The kids and I played in the backyard and had a picnic, pretending that it was summer time. There’s something about the sun that just brings out everyone’s spunk – they were full of playfulness and teasing!
As stressful as life can be with babies, it gets pretty crazy the older they get. Now I look at the calendar hoping to find a day (or even an evening) that doesn’t have multiple appointments, practices, or events on it.
We tend to be on the go and in the car quite a bit, and the kids are always hungry as soon as we pull out of the driveway! I’m sure it’s partly because they think I’ll just stop somewhere and get them something to eat, but generally I’ve already got something packed to let them snack on.
One of the things they love to have is Stonyfield Yogurt Pouches. The think they are fun and taste great. I love them because they have no high-fructose corn syrup in them or artificial flavors. To top it off they are also organic, and although I don’t purchase everything organic, there are certain foods I prefer to be – and I certainly love the fact that these are.
Stonyfield has Yo Baby pouches, Yo Toddler pouches, and Yo Kids pouches. The kids have devoured every flavor I have given them without complaints! They are sold in many stores – here’s a list to see if they are near you.
I know these crazy days shall too pass by before I know it, and I’ll be looking back longing to relive just one more day.
Sometimes silly sunny days help you regain perspective on life.
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