Lately I’ve felt like I could totally transform into a hermit and I’d be completely cool hiding out in my own house. I’m sure that I’d get tired of it after a week or two, but the thought of it’s been pretty appealing! I think it’s just because I’ve felt like I’ve been on the go more this past year than ever before.
It’s been officially summer for four days now and I know that last year I was very much into creating a summer bucket list of things that I wanted to do with the kids. While I still love the idea of doing that again, I think this summer I’d like to shift my focus from going and doing so many activities to more DIY activities around the house. After 7 summers here it’s time to start sprucing up.
My husband works pretty long hours most of the time, and having had babies and toddlers since we’ve moved in here, there’s a lot of things that haven’t gotten finished (or started!) at our house. With Anika turning 11 this summer, Emma 6 1/2 and Noah being 4 years old now, I feel that I can actually accomplish some of these things with both of my hands while having the kids here. People take things for granted like mowing the lawn, or even weeding – because it’s so hard to do when you have a baby teething or needing fed! I think the kids are finally at ages where I can work on something for more than 2 minutes at a time while they play together.
So, this summer bucket is still coming (if you need ideas for yours here’s 31 summer activities), but here’s a glimpse at my to-do list. I know that it won’t get all done in the next 11 short weeks, but that’s okay as long as I keep plugging away at it.
- Buy and install a new screen door
- Build a raised garden (hint – this one will be on the blog soon!)
- Stain the fence and decks
- Tile the bathrooms and repaint the walls
- Clean the bedroom carpets
- Repaint the house
- Fix our garage door – so it will actually work!
- Clean the garage and organize it
- Finish building the play structure for the kids
- SOMEDAY lay hardwood flooring down
- Create a chalkboard wall that I can hang on our fence for the kids
- Mulch the yard
Do you have a summer DIY list started? What’s your number one project to get done before school starts back up?
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Lots of good ones!!! I should make a summer bucket list, too!
Kallie – But First, Coffee
Lots of fun projects! We did a spring DIY bucket list of sorts. We mulched all the flower beds, got the kids a play house, fixed the sprinkler system, transplanted what felt like a million daffodils and lilies, made a drainage area for the front of the house so it doesn't try to flood to the door and built an out door seating area.
I plan on taking the summer off. =
I do like the idea of a summer bucket list though.
I think a spring bucket list would be ideal…that way if I didn't get it done by the end of spring I could just transition it into a summer list 😉 I wasn't on top of the ball enough this spring, but I may have to do that next year!
What a fun list! I'm very impressed – my list would be much shorter. We need to clean up the backyard….and clean out the garage. Oh, and build some bookshelves… 🙂 ~ Sierra http://www.booksandbodkins.com
[…] too quickly. I’ve found myself sort of scrambling over the last couple of days to prepare for summer vacation. I want us to have a relaxing summer, but know that we have to have it structured a little because […]