Yesterday we did it. We went down and registered Anika for Jr. High. I can’t believe that my baby girl is now officially in middle school. She has always been strong willed and a self starter, but I know that the thought of middle school is scary for her right now. She’s not sure what to expect and it’s a big change.
Last week we got a letter from the grade school letting us know who Emma’s new teacher will be. She about jumped through the roof when she found out that her first grade teacher will be the same teacher she had in Kindergarten. I knew that her teacher would be switching grades, but I thought she was moving to second grade, not first. Emma is so happy to have her for one more year and so am I – my little sweet and shy girl takes a long time to open up and get comfortable in situations, and I knew that first grade was going to be scary for her because this is the first year she will be gone for the entire school day – in Kindergarten she just did half days. Having the same teacher will hopefully put her nerves at ease a bit.
And then there’s Noah – my little man. He’s excited about going back to preschool again and getting to have out with his buddies. He’s such an easy going little boy, so happy and carefree. He always has a smile on his face and is obsessed with anything that is orange or has wheels. He’s at that age where he still wants to snuggle his momma in the mornings and I cherish them, because I know those days are numbered.
These are my kids. Their personalities are so different and I love that about them. Their individuality is sometimes difficult for me though because there isn’t one way that is better than the other when it comes to raising kids – each one truly is unique.
The one thing I can do though is let them express themselves through their wardrobe. The girls and I recently did some school clothes shopping at JCPenny and I let them pick out the outfits they loved. As long as it’s age appropriate I don’t mind the colors or patterns that they wear, because it’s giving them control over something – it’s allowing them to make their own decisions.
Anika fell in love with this blue dress and I was surprised because she’s never really been much of a girly girl, but I think it looks absolutely adorable on her. Emma is still in the phases of all things pink, sparkly and princess, and she pulls it off nicely. She picked out this shirt not even knowing that is says “Wonder”… perhaps she’ll be her own little Wonder Woman someday.
I took a few pictures of the girls outside of our grade school before school begins as it’s sort of a big year, one daughter leaving grade school behind as the other one enters. It makes me happy and sad at the same time.
As different as they are, there are still times when these silly kids get a long really well and I hope that their relationship always stays like that. I hope that they can appreciate their differences and love each other no matter what.
These guys have all their clothes ready to start school off feeling independent and happy. These are my kids – and I love them more than anything else on earth.
When It Fits, You Feel It.
Disclosure: Compensation was provided by JCPenney via Mode Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of JCPenney.
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1 comment
Your children are absolutely beautiful
Hope they have a great school year!!!